12 Days of Blogging – Day 11: 20 Before 20

I’m turning 20 this year.  I mean, it’s only January and my birthday isn’t until September, but it’s still weird to think about.  I feel like 20 is the age you finally must accept the fact that you’re a (young) adult, but I don’t feel anywhere near the age of “adulthood”.  Typically, adults are seen to have their life together and a sense of direction… to say I had either of those right now would be pushing it a little if I’m being honest.  Therefore, I thought that before I reach this next decade, I would give myself some direction… Below are 20 things I want to do before I turn 20.  This is going to be a series on my blog called 20 before 20, in which I’ll write about every time I complete one of these and how it’s helped me:


  1. Reach 70 subscribers on this blog… Yeah it may seem a little ambitious but I figured hey that’s what goals are for! If by September I have 70 people regularly reading my words, I’ll be more than happy.
  2. Do a collab with another blogger… Based on the number of other blogs I’ve read, it feels like you’re not a proper part of this community until you’ve collaborated with another blogger. It would be nice to make some “blogging friends” and give this a go, so if anyone’s up for this send me a message 
  3. Guest write on another blog… I like challenging myself, and giving myself different platforms/ tailored topics to write about, so it would be great to be able to write on another blog and see how that goes.
  4. Do something worthwhile that helps someone with this blog… I want to be able to make a difference in some way… Haven’t figured out how yet, but I’ll get there.


  1. Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day… I’m actually pretty good when it comes to drinking water, it’s actually my usual drink of choice, but I want to make an effort to drink it more regularly and see if it really helps with skin and hair.
  2. Go to the gym at least twice a week… Again, I already go to the gym, but it’s very irregular: some weeks I’ll go five times and some weeks I won’t go at all. In an effort to get fitter in 2017 (not necessarily lose weight, but be healthier) I want to make this more regular.
  3. Have at least one piece of fruit or veg with every meal… I feel like all these health things are very repetitive… I eat quite a bit of fruit and veg, but I want to make it more regular as part of an effort to generally be healthier this year.


  1. Get back to enjoying learning… Although my first term at Uni has been fun, I haven’t exactly loved my topics and I feel like I’ve been working for the sake of working. This term I have more of my optional units and less of the compulsory ones, so now is the time to get back to actually loving the knowledge I’m acquiring. 
  2. Read 10 books for fun… I am an English Student. I read all the time.  However, with reading being such a large part of my degree, the fun of it is lost.  My goal is to have read 10 books that I actually want to read by September (Please send me book suggestions, I don’t even know where to start).
  3. Read ahead for my courses… I’m organised to the point where I get my work done on time, but I want to push that further. This year I want to buy into the myth that is “pre-reading” and see if it helps me as I’m not the quickest learner. 
  4. Be on top of revision… I always have the same pattern – start the year off well and take notes as I go, then 2 weeks in I stop with that and cram just before my exams. This year, I want to try and get it right.


  1. Have a concrete night routine… I’m pretty good with skincare… when I remember. By September I will have enforced a skincare routine before bed to the point where it becomes a habit.  This year I’m really going to look after my skin.
  2. Wear skirts/dresses more… I love skirts and dresses and I always feel more put together in them, but it’s so easy to revert to jeans and T-shirts because I feel like I don’t have the time for skirts. By 20 I will be better at outfit planning.
  3. Find my style… This is something I’ve been working on for the past couple years, and I plan to continue. I’m slowly finding my style and what works for me, but I want to be sure of this by 20.


  1. Sing more (maybe even publicly?)… I love singing, but I also have bad stage fright and little self-confidence. However, I am slowly growing in confidence, so I want to make more of this while I can.
  2. Get back to song writing… This was something that used to soothe me a lot, and I’ve been watching a lot of youtubers who sing original songs recently (really loving Dodie at the moment) so I’ve been pretty inspired to get back to it.
  3. Start writing a book… I think I mentioned in my first post on this site that from the age of 6 to about 13/14 my dream was to be an author. I used to write all the time, and I really miss it.  I’ll tell you how far I get by September.
  4. Visit winter wonderland… I live in London, it shouldn’t be that hard! But I love Christmas and I’ve never been and every year I say it will be the year.  With a September birthday I technically can’t do it before I turn 20, but I plan to do it as soon as I can afterwards.
  5. Visit a country I’ve never been to before… I love travelling, and I used to travel everywhere when I was younger, but recently with more commitments and less money it hasn’t been as easy. By September I hope to have been to a country I’ve never visited.
  6. See 2 more musicals… I’m a bit of a musical junky, I’ve seen quite a few in theatre (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, Hairspray, Wicked like 3 times, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, The Bodyguard, Memphis, and so so many more) but this year I want to add to the collection, so the goal is 2 more before I turn 20.

Sorry, this was a little longer than my other entries, but I feel like 20 is quite a bit of a milestone, being the end of my second decade of life and all.  As I said, I’m going to turn this into a 20 Before 20 series, and will post every time I complete one.  Let’s see if I can get all 20 (technically 19 because of Winter Wonderland) by September!

Wish me luck!

Lots of love,

 Jas xx



28 thoughts on “12 Days of Blogging – Day 11: 20 Before 20

  1. LyfWithEm says:

    Good luck for these goals, I’m sure you’ll be able to achieve them! A book sounds really interesting ahh! And I’m positive you’ll be able to reach 70 followers! I just discovered your blog and I LOVE it. Your writing is amazing, and your blog layout is really pretty and simple. Excited to read more posts 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • thoughtsfromjasmine says:

      Thank you so much, it really means a lot that you like my blog! I still find it weird that people are actually reading what I’m writing haha 🙂 hope you enjoy my future posts, I’m about to have a good read of your posts 🙂
      Jas xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • LyfWithEm says:

        Aha yeah it’s strange isn’t it! When I first started writing them, I wasn’t even expecting anyone to see them, but suddenly people were liking and commenting and I found a whole new bunch of online friends! And aw thank you – you really don’t have to!!x

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Nikki O says:

    These are great goals! I’m glad you got back into writing! I started blogging last year because I love writing and connecting with people 🙂 and publishing a book has also been a secret goal of mine too!!!! Hopefully you and I can connect & collab some time!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. emfletche says:

    Great goals and great blog Jas! I particularly like ” Typically, adults are seen to have their life together and a sense of direction…” Well, I’m 40 this year and I’m still waiting for this to happen 😂

    Emmalene x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: New Decade, New Me
  5. Pingback: The Christmas Tag
  6. Pingback: 1 Year of Blogging

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