New Decade, New Me

I turn 20 today. 20 years old. A whole new decade of my life.  And it's both terrifying and exciting. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a big fan of my birthday at all, and usually I do everything I possibly can to avoid the day, but, I don't know, something about 20 seems different... I've … Continue reading New Decade, New Me

12 Days of Blogging – Day 9: Loving Ourselves

I have always been really bad at accepting compliments.  Whenever people tell me something good about myself my instinct is always to disagree and shoot myself down.  I think it started as an effort to be humble... Usually when people openly love themselves they're ridiculed for being arrogant and self-centred, so I've never wanted to … Continue reading 12 Days of Blogging – Day 9: Loving Ourselves